Tuxedo (short coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Medium Won't you think about adopting me?
Print an adoption flyer for Sky (aka Skylar)! Thank you for your interest in providing a home for one of our rescued pets. Please understand that our process does not operate on a first-come basis. Our goal is to match each pet to the best family for that pet. We appreciate your patience because all our workers are volunteers with jobs and other responsibilities, we follow up as quickly as possible. SHOT! YET CONTINUED TO TAKE CARE OF HER BABIES!!
Sky was born 1/15/2017 and is a Stunning Gray & White Tuxedo girl. This Beautiful Girl was abandoned with her babies, and was desperately looking for a safe place as the water was rising during Hurricane Harvey. As she put them on the porch one by one, a kind hearted lady decided to bring them inside her home during the storm. She contacted us to take them because her landlord said they had to go. Paws found a wonderful Foster Home for Sky and her babies until they could be available for adoption. This mother cat was ALWAYS looking out for her three little ones and is now needing a forever family of her own. Sky is very sweet and loving once she knows you can be trusted. She is also playful because she is still so young herself. 11/02/2017 Update: Sky was spayed and microchipped today. However, we found that her story of being abandoned was not all that happened to her. She was shot, and not only does the bullet remain close to her spine, we could also see that part of her knee had been shattered, which is why her right leg splays outward. She also now has spondylosis of L7-S1 vertebrae. All of this had to be right before the flooding started because she is still healing. In spite of everything that happened to her, she continued to save and care for her babies! Sky was an INCREDIBLE MOM!!! Now that her babies have all found their own home, it is her turn to have a FUREVER Home of her own. More about Sky (aka Skylar)Is Not Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Sky (aka Skylar)'s baby boy, Tyler (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Sky (aka Skylar)'s baby girl, Bridget (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Sky (aka Skylar)'s baby girl, Ynez (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Sky (aka Skylar) (click to see larger version):